Hunter Sonnen

Before CrossFit I lived an unhealthy lifestyle. I didn’t pay any attention to my body and how it felt with regards to how I was treating it.
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Hunter Sonnen Before Picture
Hunter Sonnen After Picture

Name: Hunter Sonnen

Hometown: Houston, TX

Age: 35

Occupation: Sales

When did you first start CrossFitting?:  October 2010

When did you first start training at CrossFit Katy?:  August 2013

What class do you generally attend (morning/afternoon)?  5:00 a.m. Early Risers

Favorite WOD: Any MetCon but of the benchmark WOD’s I’d say I like Cindy.

Least Favorite WOD: I don’t have a single workout that I dislike, more movements that I’d prefer not to do. I’d say I dislike overhead WOD’s or anything Leah says “should be fun”.

Tell us about you sports & fitness background: Before CrossFit I had no regular physical fitness regiment. I played sports early on in my life but never progressed past pee-wee leagues. I spent the majority of my life after that dedicated to being a doughboy doppelgänger.

How did you first get exposed to CrossFit? Take us back to your first WOD… what was it, and how did it feel? My wife Maria was the reason I started CrossFit. She was interested in CrossFit and getting us healthier and was happy to make me the guinea pig to give it a try. I don’t remember the exact WOD (probably blacked out somewhere in there) but I do remember hitting the time cap. There were a few folks and a coach who helped motivate me to finish despite hitting the time cap. This support, which I’ve learned to be universal in CrossFit, and the desire to compete and measure myself against other athletes had an appeal which kept me going back for more.

What sort of changes have you seen in your body, health and fitness since starting CF (before/after)? Before CrossFit I lived an unhealthy lifestyle. I didn’t pay any attention to my body and how it felt with regards to how I was treating it. This didn’t necessarily change after starting CrossFit in 2010. The first few years were spent lifting and not focusing on health as a whole. It wasn’t until I started at CrossFit Katy and hearing about Whole 30 that I took the next step. Early in 2014 I started Whole 30 and truly realized that a clean diet was essential to training. This is something I’ve realized time and time again as I splurge and neglect my diet. After completing Whole 30 and remaining committed to Paleo I went from 200 lbs To 160 lbs while maintaining the majority of my strength. The changes I’ve seen in my body, my energy, and spirit are amazing. I’ve never felt better and it truly has me approaching each day differently than I did before CrossFit.

What sort of changes in your life have you experienced out of taking on something like CrossFit that were totally unexpected? First and foremost it’s brought focus to being sure my kids stay healthy. They’re already familiar with Burpees (which they do on their own and not as punishment I promise) and learn from both my wife and I active and healthy habits. Personally I’m more inclined to take on physical challenges and any kind. Through the camaraderie and relationships created at CrossFit I’ve completed Obstacle Course Races (Spartan and Tough Mudder) as well as a charity runs.

Name one goal you have reached since joining CFK and one goal you want to achieve (example: deadlift/squat/press ¬¬¬___ pounds; do a pullup; do a WOD RX’d, etc.): Initially it was to complete RX WOD’s and being able to complete all lifts and movements. My personal goal now is to complete Murph RX in under 60 minutes.

Please share with us any favorite CrossFit / CFK moments: One of my favorite moments was this past year completing the 15.3 Open WOD. It started off with muscle-ups which I’d never been able to do. Both Leah and Drew gave me some helpful tips before starting which helped me not only complete the entire first round but also 3 additional MU in round two (10 total). This past year was my second time competing in Open and 15.3 is by far the most fulfilling WOD I’ve completed, both in the Open and in my everyday WOD’s. What I remember most were those around me willing to coach me to be successful and who cheered me on during the WOD to help motivate me.

Any advice for people just getting started? Stick with it and don’t be intimidated. You’ll be working out with athletes of all skill levels, all of which started somewhere other than where they are now. CrossFit is a lifestyle and the benefits you’ll receive from dedicating your time to this sport will be endless is your everyday life. Don’t quit and give it your all everyday.

What are your hobbies, interests and/or talents outside of CrossFit? Family, fishing, hunting, golf, and TAMU…Gig’em Ags!

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