Strength & Conditioning
AMRAP 5, 2 minute rest
AMRAP 7, 3 minute rest
8 TTB (Rx+ 12)
12 Alt. DB Snatch 50/35
30 Double Unders
Extra Credit
1) 5 x AMRAP 2, 2 minutes rest
15/13 Calorie Row
max calorie bike
2) 5 Rounds, NFT
5 Front Squats
10/5 Strict Ring Dips
Like 12 Days of Christmas, but work to the end first.
1 Wall Walk
2 Devils Press
3 DB Thrusters
4 T2B
5 Burpees
6 Pull Ups
7 Goblet Squat
8 Cal Bike
9 Box Jump
10 V-ups