Friday, 01/22/21

squat clean, ski, burpees, bike
Jessie Strange
December 27, 2020
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EMOM 4, 1 Squat clean

1 minute rest

EOMOM 8, 1 Squat Clean


For Time:

60/50 Calorie Ski

40 Bar Facing Burpees

20 Squat Cleans 165/110 (Rx+ 205/135)

Extra Credit

4 Rounds

20/17 Calorie Row

40 Double Unders

20/17 Calorie Bike

40 Double Unders


A) 3 R:

15 Ball Over Shoulder

15 Burpees


B) 3R:

20 Wall Balls

12 Ring Rows/Pull Ups


C) 3 R:

20 Weighted Step-Ups to Reverse Lunge

20 DB Row (10 each side)


D) 3R:

8 Cal Ski

8 DB Hang Clean

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