Friday, 06/04/21

back squat, row, wall ball, ttb, db snatch, ctb
Jessie Strange
December 27, 2020
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5 sets of 3 Back Squat



50 Cal Row

50 Wall Ball 20/14

50 TTB

50 DB Snatch 50/35

50 CTB (Rx+ MU)


For Time:

A) 800 m Run

B) 3 R:
6 Hollow Body to Superman Log Roll
12 Thread the needle- side plank from elbow (10 each side)
6 Slow knee to lunge (core movement)
12 Heavy DB curls
18 Cal Row
18 Double DB Walking Lunge
18 Heavy Goblet Squat

C) 20 T2B/ Knee to Elbow/ Leg Raises

Extra Credit - Endurance

6 x 400 m Run, unbroken, no rest

increase pace by 10 seconds per 400 m with the goal of a full sprint for the final 400

Score = final time for the final 800 m

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