Kevin Leverence

June 2022
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Name:  Kevin Leverence

Hometown: Richton Park, Illinois

Age: 41 in July

Occupation: EMS Battalion Chief

When did you first start CrossFitting?: 9-11-2017. What a day for a first WOD

When did you first start training at CrossFitKaty?: Summer of 2019; 3 years now

What class do you generally attend? 5 am; early riser life for me

Favorite WOD: something with a run and/or cleans

Least Favorite WOD: anything thrusters

Tell us about you sports & fitness background:

I was active and would do some exercise most of my young adult life but it was pretty unorganized. I stayed in shape enough to pass physical fitness tests inthe Marine Corps and that was about it. We had our first child and my amazing wife, Kathy, kick-started our family wellness journey. A large part of that growing centered around learning how to eat better. We joined the park district gym and I pulled workouts from the interwebs. I would run because it was cheap and figured I knew what I was doing. That has paid off to come into Crossfit with a good running base.

How did you first get exposed to CrossFit? Take us back to your first WOD... what was it, and how did it feel?

I was getting uninspired in planning my workouts so it started feeling like a chore. Kathy and I went to check out Crossfit together to get past that workout planning fatigue and to dial up the challenge. We did a foundations class to learn about techniques and our first real WOD was death by thrusters and a Hero WOD with a million step ups. I thought I might die. Coming back the next workout was a major effort.

What sort of changes have you seen in your body, health and fitness since starting CF (before/after)?

My approach to food evolved pretty dramatically since starting Crossfit. Kathy had been pretty mindful of food and she got me started tracking my food and counting macros. It shifted my mindset from not eating junk to just fueling workouts to now fueling in good ways. I had no gymnastics ability beyond a strict pull up (Thanks USMC) when I started and I smile looking back at the different movements I’ve learned in a few short years.

What sort of changes in your life have you experienced out of taking on something like CrossFit that were totally unexpected?
I have gotten physical and mentally stronger and I develop a lot of confidence in myself through these workouts. I’ve also learned a little bit of patience and allowing consistent work to produce results.

Name one goal you have reached since joiningCFK and one goal you want to achieve:  

Power clean my bodyweight and bar muscle ups.


Please share with us any favorite CrossFit / CFKmoments:

The first week or so we were at CFK, Drew asked if I wanted to stick around for coffee with the earlier riser dudes. Shortly after that, Manny invited me to do some extra work after class and made fun of my shoes; I knew I found my people. Cheesy, maybe, but I have met some amazing people I wish I knew sooner. Crossfit Katy peeps are a special breed. 

Any advice for people just getting started?

Keep at it. When doubt starts to creep in, realize you are more capable than you’re giving yourself credit for.


What are your hobbies, interests and/or talents outside of CrossFit?

I love spending time with my wife and our daughters playing games, water balloon fighting, traveling, and sitting on the beach.

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