Kim Butner

In late 2008 my daughter and I decided to train for our first full marathon and we were looking for some cross-training and she found a flye
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Name:  Kim Butner

Hometown:  Katy, TX


Age:  61

Occupation:  Medical Office Manager

When did you first start CrossFitting?  April 2009

When did you first start at CrossFit Katy?  April 2009

What class do you generally attend?  Afternoon at 5:30 p.m.

Favorite WOD:  My favorite WOD is when it is done.

Least favorite WOD:  I didn’t think I had a least favorite WOD until August 15, my first time to take the burn class.  I DID not like that one for sure.

Tell us about your sports & fitness background:  I was not very


active before I started running and biking in about 1999. Started going to the gym doing spin and aerobics classes. Did a few MS150 and then started doing ½ marathons’ once a year.

How did you first get exposed to CrossFit? Take us back to your first WOD… what was it, and how did it feel?  In late 2008 my daughter and I decided to train for our first full marathon and we were looking for some cross training and she found a flyer for CrossFit Katy. I remember thinking I would try for a few months and that would be good. Those few months have turned into 5 years.

What sort of changes have you seen in your body, health and fitness since starting CF (before/after)?  I thought my legs were okay with the running but my upper body was not. I have seen everything becoming more toned.

Name one goal you have reached since joining CFK and one goal you want to achieve (example: deadlift/squat/press____pounds;  do a pull-up; do a WOD RX’d. etc.):  Not sure I had any goal when I started since I was only to going to do CrossFit for a few months. Each month I would hand Neal my check and tell him he had me for another month and he would laugh, I think he knew I was hooked. When I first started I could not do more than 3 pushups, did not know what a wall ball was and it never even cross my mind that I would be able to deadlift  145 lbs.  I am working on doing pull ups without a band and would like to do doubleunders without my extra jump.

Please share with us any favorite CrossFit/CFK moments:  This statement would take way too long.  I have favorite moments almost every time I am at the gym.  The trainers are great and I have made some awesome friends.

Any advice for people just getting started?  When I talk to people about CF I tell them if I can do it they can do it.

What are your hobbies, interests and/or talents outside of CrossFit? Quilting is one of my hobbies, I love spending time with my grandkids and family.

I would not have been able to set a goal of 12 half marathons in 12 months if not for CrossFit Katy.  In December of this year I will have reach this goal.

*Kim is not only a success story for how far she has come during her five years at CrossFit Katy but she is a great example of how CrossFit training can be used to supplement and help your training in other sports.

Great job Kim and good luck finishing your half marathon goal this year!

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