Monday, 05/31/21

Murph, run, pull up, push up, air squat
Jessie Strange
December 27, 2020
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Strength & Conditioning


For Time:

1 mile run

100 Pull Ups

200 Push Ups

300 Air Squats

1 mile run

Weekly Extra Credit


1) 5 Super Sets:

10 Strict Ring Row (body parallel to ground)

10 Strict Dips

2) EMOM 10

3 to 5 HSPU (AHAP)

3) AMRAP 10

15 GHD

10 m HS Walk

2 Rope Climbs

10 m HS Walk


1) EMOM 20

1 Power Snatch + 1 Squat Snatch (not tng)

2) 7 sets of 1 rep Tempo Front Squat @ 88-92% (3 second descent, 1 second pause)

3) 6 sets of 3 Jerk Dip Drives @ 100-110% of max jerk

3 second jerk dip drive, 1 second pause, explosive hip extension

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