Madeline Felio Moore

My main goal all season has been to help the team get to Regionals and do what they haven’t been able to do in the past, qualify for the Gam
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Madeline (“Maddie”) Felio Moore


Flower Mound, TX

Age: 23


Grad school student

When did you first start CrossFitting?

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March 2012

When did you first start training at CrossFit Katy?

August 2013

What class do you generally attend (morning/afternoon)?


Favorite WOD:

Anything with MU's, HSPUs, burpees, double-unders, box jumps, power cleans, GHDs, rope climbs, pistols, handstand walks… 😉

Least Favorite WOD:


Tell us about you sports & fitness background:

Started gymnastics when I was three, did competitive Tumbling & Trampoline from 4th grade to 9th grade. Started competitive cheerleading

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after that. Senior year, my team won the Cheerleading World Championships held at Disney World each year. At Baylor University I was apart of their inaugural Acrobatics & Tumbling team, which became Baylor’s 19th varsity sport. After a couple years on Baylor’s Acro team I decided to give CrossFit a try! I’ve always loved weight lifting and so finding a sport mixed with that and my gymnastics background was perfect.

How did you first get exposed to CrossFit? Take us back to your first WOD… what was it, and how did it feel?

After I decided I didn’t want to do acro anymore, I knew I had to find something else active. I had seen CrossFit on ESPN once before and knew one person who did CrossFit in Waco. Looked into it and tried it the next week! I don’t remember my first WOD, but I do remember wanting to get a muscle up right away! So I spent a little while with one of the coaches and got my first muscle up that first week!

What sort of changes have you seen in your body, health and fitness since starting CF (before/after)?  

I’ve only fluctuated within 7-8 pounds since I started high school. However, I am currently the heaviest I’ve ever weighed and definitely the most tone I’ve ever been! #smallbutmighty 😉

What sort of changes in your life have you experienced out of taking on something like CrossFit that were totally unexpected?

GOING TO THE GAMES! After graduating from Baylor last May, I decided I was going to give all that I had to crossfit for my one year off of school before heading back to grad school. But never did I expect to be so lucky to find such an amazing team! They helped me improve more than I could have imagined and I’m lucky to have helped them reach one of their biggest goals this season!

Name one goal you have reached since joining CFK and one goal you want to achieve (example:  deadlift/squat/press ­­­___ pounds; do a pullup; do a WOD RX’d, etc.):

My main goal all season has been to help the team get to Regionals and do what they haven’t been able to do in the past, qualify for the Games! In the future, I hope to qualify for Regionals as an individual.

One weightlifting goal I reached was being able to finally snatch over my body weight! And my next goal is cleaning 200#.

Please share with us any favorite CrossFit / CFK moments:

-The night we all took C4 Pre-workout for the first time during advanced class!

-Neal’s pump-up speech at Fittest Games! #cutit

-Winning our heat for Event 7 at Regionals!!

Any advice for people just getting started?

Take your time! Don’t rush into Rx. I didn’t do Rx for the first couple months. Take your time learning the technique first! And remember…crossfit is fun!

What are your hobbies, interests and/or talents outside of CrossFit?

I’m getting married June 7th! I finally got Josh to start crossfit when we moved here last August. And he is officially hooked! I am starting a Physician Assistant graduate program at UNT Health Science Center in Fort Worth this July. I’m actually missing the first week of classes to go to the Games! Josh and I have a boxer named Cassius that we absolutely love!! He is our first child and we take him everywhere with us.

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