Monday, 02/08/21

team of 3, thrusters, pull ups, bike, row
Jessie Strange
December 27, 2020
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Strength & Conditioning

Teams of 3


A) Simultaneously:

50 Thrusters 95/65

50 Pull Ups (Rx+ CTB)

B) Simultaneously:

50 Calorie Bike

50 Calorie Row

Extra Credit

1) 6 Sets, HAP

1 Squat Clean

1 Front Squat

1 Split Jerk

2) 4 Rounds

10 m HS Walk

20 GHD Sit ups

10 m HS Walk

1 minute rest


E5MOM for 25 minutes:

400 m Run

10 Leg Raises

10 S2OH

10 DB Curls

10 Goblet Squats

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