Monday, October 10, 2022

clean&jerk, burpees
Jessie Strange
December 27, 2020
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EMOM 5: 1 Clean and Jerk

EOMOM 10: 1 Clean and Jerk


0-2 5 Clean & Jerk, 10 Lateral Burpees 135/95 (Rx+155/105)

2-4 5 Clean & Jerk, 12 Lateral Burpees

4-6 5 Clean & Jerk, 14 Lateral Burpees

6-8 5 Clean & Jerk, 16 Lateral Burpees

8-10 5 Clean & Jerk, max rep Lateral Burpees


5 x EMOM 5; 2 min rest

1:  1/1 Get Up

2.Two to Five Strict Pull Ups or 10 Ring Rows

3.  20 KBS

4. Two to Five strict Push Ups or 10 Knee Push Ups

5.  Max Cal Bike (minimum 5 to 10 cal)

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